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  • PDF
    26 June 2024
    Overseas Expansion
    On 26 June 2024, DAIKEN MEDICAL, running operations to develop, manufacture and sell medical devices mainly used for prevention of hospital-acquired infections and postoperative pain control, has begun delivering video on its financial results briefing for FY03/2024. It has been revealed that the Company is to see a long-term growth potential to accelerate in line with its policy to launch AMY on the Infusion Pumps side in charge of postoperative pain control, in Europe, having just seen a steady increase in earnings. The Company expects to obtain MDR (Medical Device Regulation) certification, which is essential for sales in Europe as early as this summer and is preparing to establish local sales channels through collaboration with an alliance partner. The potential market size of AMY in Europe is estimated at some \30,000m, while the Company plans to release its midterm management plan, assuming the impact of AMY’s launch in Europe, once it obtains the MDR certification. AMY, which is based on the Company's proprietary micropumps, is said to have an epoch-making advantage over comparable products in the market. In the longer term, the Company plans to enter new areas of business, such as diabetes treatment (insulin pumps), through application of the micropumps.
  • PDF
    10 June 2024
    Subsequent Operations
    MORESCO, running operations of R&D, manufacture and sale of chemical goods used in diverse applications with autos as the mainstay, plans to achieve sustainable growth from a long-term perspective, following a significant recovery in earnings for the actual results of FY02/2024. In light of the management target of its 10th midterm management plan (FY02/2025 to FY02/2027), which focuses on satisfying both of Realization of a Sustainable Society and Enhancement of Added Value for Business, the Company is calling for prospective CAGR of 6.0% in sales and 30.1% in earnings during the relevant period, while a level of ROE at 8% (versus 6.6% for FY02/2024) for FY02/2027, the final year of the plan. The Company is to dedicate itself to development, manufacture and sale of high value-added products to reduce environmental load, which is expected to result in the above-mentioned growth. Meanwhile, it was on 22 August 2023 that the Company has concluded a contract to acquire operations basically being related to autos from a trade based in the United States, which is also expected to drive the growth. Elsewhere, the Company is in the process of developing sealants to make perovskite solar cells commercially viable as well as proceeding with preparations for manufacture and sale at the same time, although the midterm management plan does not assume the impact from here. Furthermore, the Company is also looking to a future contribution from development, manufacture and sale of cosmetic products that compound nanoemulsion (MORESCO-NANOREACH) to realize an epoch-making functionality. Thus, the Company is keen on deploying various efforts to create promising operations subsequently contributing after the period of the midterm management plan as well.
  • To Bottom Out
    On 23 May 2024, KAGA ELECTRONICS, major electronic components trading company, held its on-the-web financial results briefing for FY03/2024. It has been revealed that gross profit margin has effectively remained unchanged from FY03/2023, although the Company suffers from the impact of inventory adjustments by its sale destinations of merchandises, i.e., customers. Meanwhile, for H2 FY03/2025, the Company is looking to a termination of inventory adjustments and thus Company forecasts are going for an increase in sales on a full-year basis. Still, the Company is to see a limited increase in sales as it will continue suffering from the impact of inventory adjustments for the time being and the same at the level of operating profit and/or recurring profit as well. By the way, from a long-term perspective, the Company has stated that its focus on EMS business is to drive its growth as a whole. In fact, the Company has begun its operations of new factory based in Mexico in April 2024, with an objective of capturing local demand in North America and Central & South America, calling for prospective sales of ¥50,000m to be generated from here in five years, which equates to almost 10% of the Company’s sales for FY03/2024.